Source code for deeptools.getScorePerBigWigBin

import pyBigWig
import numpy as np
import os
import sys
import shutil
import warnings

# deepTools packages
import deeptools.mapReduce as mapReduce
import deeptools.utilities
# debug = 0

[docs]def countReadsInRegions_wrapper(args): # Using arguments unpacking! return countFragmentsInRegions_worker(*args)
[docs]def countFragmentsInRegions_worker(chrom, start, end, bigWigFiles, stepSize, binLength, save_data, bedRegions=None ): """ returns the average score in each bigwig file at each 'stepSize' position within the interval start, end for a 'binLength' window. Because the idea is to get counts for window positions at different positions for sampling the bins are equally spaced and *not adjacent*. If a list of bedRegions is given, then the number of reads that overlaps with each region is counted. Test dataset with two samples covering 200 bp. >>> test = Tester() Fragment coverage. >>> np.transpose(countFragmentsInRegions_worker(test.chrom, 0, 200, [test.bwFile1, test.bwFile2], 50, 25, False)[0]) array([[ 1., 1., 2., 2.], [ 1., 1., 1., 3.]]) >>> np.transpose(countFragmentsInRegions_worker(test.chrom, 0, 200, [test.bwFile1, test.bwFile2], 200, 200, False)[0]) array([[ 1.5], [ 1.5]]) BED regions: >>> bedRegions = [(test.chrom, 45, 55), (test.chrom, 95, 105), (test.chrom, 145, 155)] >>> np.transpose(countFragmentsInRegions_worker(test.chrom, 0, 200,[test.bwFile1, test.bwFile2], 200, 200, False, ... bedRegions=bedRegions)[0]) array([[ 1. , 1.5, 2. ], [ 1. , 1. , 2. ]]) """ assert start < end, "start {} bigger that end {}".format(start, end) # array to keep the scores for the regions sub_score_per_bin = [] rows = 0 bigwig_handlers = [ for bw in bigWigFiles] regions_to_consider = [] if bedRegions: for chrom, start, end in bedRegions: regions_to_consider.append((chrom, start, end, end - start)) else: for i in xrange(start, end, stepSize): if (i + binLength) > end: regions_to_consider.append((chrom, i, end, end - i)) # last bin (may be smaller) else: regions_to_consider.append((chrom, i, i + binLength, binLength)) if save_data: _file = open(deeptools.utilities.getTempFileName(suffix='.bed'), 'w+t') _file_name = else: _file_name = '' warnings.simplefilter("default") i = 0 for chrom, start, end, binLength in regions_to_consider: avgReadsArray = [] i += 1 for idx, bwh in enumerate(bigwig_handlers): if chrom not in bwh.chroms().keys(): unmod_name = chrom if chrom.startswith('chr'): # remove the chr part from chromosome name chrom = chrom[3:] else: # prefix with 'chr' the chromosome name chrom = 'chr' + chrom if chrom not in bwh.chroms().keys(): exit('Chromosome name {} not found in bigwig file\n {}\n'.format(unmod_name, bigWigFiles[idx])) score = bwh.stats(chrom, start, end) if score is None or score == [None] or np.isnan(score[0]): score = [np.nan] avgReadsArray.append(score[0]) # mean of fragment coverage for region # print "{} Region: {}:{:,}-{:,} {} {} {}".format(i, chrom, start, end, binLength, avgReadsArray[0], avgReadsArray[1]) sub_score_per_bin.extend(avgReadsArray) rows += 1 if save_data: _file.write("\t".join(map(str, [chrom, start, end])) + "\t") _file.write("\t".join(["{}".format(x) for x in avgReadsArray]) + "\n") if save_data: _file.close() warnings.resetwarnings() # the output is a matrix having as many rows as the variable 'row' # and as many columns as bigwig files. The rows correspond to # each of the regions processed by the worker. # np.array([[score1_1, score1_2], # [score2_1, score2_2]] return np.array(sub_score_per_bin).reshape(rows, len(bigWigFiles)), _file_name
[docs]def getChromSizes(bigwigFilesList): """ Get chromosome sizes from bigWig file with pyBigWig Test dataset with two samples covering 200 bp. >>> test = Tester() Chromosome name(s) and size(s). >>> getChromSizes([test.bwFile1, test.bwFile2]) ([('3R', 200L)], set([])) """ # check that the path to USCS bedGraphToBigWig as set in the config # is installed and is executable. def print_chr_names_and_size(chr_set): sys.stderr.write("chromosome\tlength\n") for name, size in chr_set: sys.stderr.write("{0:>15}\t{1:>10}\n".format(name, size)) bigwigFilesList = bigwigFilesList[:] common_chr = set( non_common_chr = set() for bw in bigwigFilesList: _names_and_size = set( if len(common_chr & _names_and_size) == 0: # try to add remove 'chr' from the chromosme name _corr_names_size = set() for chrom_name, size in _names_and_size: if chrom_name.startswith('chr'): _corr_names_size.add((chrom_name[3:], size)) else: _corr_names_size.add(('chr' + chrom_name, size)) if len(common_chr & _corr_names_size) == 0: message = "No common chromosomes found. Are the bigwig files " \ "from the same species and same assemblies?\n" sys.stderr.write(message) print_chr_names_and_size(common_chr) sys.stderr.write("\nand the following is the list of the unmatched chromosome and chromosome\n" "lengths from file\n{}\n".format(bw)) print_chr_names_and_size(_names_and_size) exit(1) else: _names_and_size = _corr_names_size non_common_chr |= common_chr ^ _names_and_size common_chr = common_chr & _names_and_size if len(non_common_chr) > 0: sys.stderr.write("\nThe following chromosome names did not match between the the bigwig files\n") print_chr_names_and_size(non_common_chr) # get the list of common chromosome names and sizes return sorted(common_chr), non_common_chr
[docs]def getScorePerBin(bigWigFiles, binLength, numberOfProcessors=1, verbose=False, region=None, bedFile=None, blackListFileName=None, stepSize=None, chrsToSkip=[], out_file_for_raw_data=None): """ This function returns a matrix containing scores (median) for the coverage of fragments within a region. Each row corresponds to a sampled region. Likewise, each column corresponds to a bigwig file. Test dataset with two samples covering 200 bp. >>> test = Tester() >>> np.transpose(getScorePerBin([test.bwFile1, test.bwFile2], 50, 3)) array([[ 1., 1., 2., 2.], [ 1., 1., 1., 3.]]) """ # Try to determine an optimal fraction of the genome (chunkSize) # that is sent to workers for analysis. If too short, too much time # is spent loading the files # if too long, some processors end up free. # the following is a heuristic # get list of common chromosome names and sizes chrom_sizes, non_common = getChromSizes(bigWigFiles) # skip chromosome in the list. This is usually for the # X chromosome which may have either one copy in a male sample # or a mixture of male/female and is unreliable. # Also the skip may contain heterochromatic regions and # mitochondrial DNA if chrsToSkip and len(chrsToSkip): chrom_sizes = [x for x in chrom_sizes if x[0] not in chrsToSkip] chrnames, chrlengths = zip(*chrom_sizes) if stepSize is None: stepSize = binLength # for adjacent bins # set chunksize based on number of processors used chunkSize = max(sum(chrlengths) / numberOfProcessors, int(1e6)) # make chunkSize multiple of binLength chunkSize -= chunkSize % binLength if verbose: print "step size is {}".format(stepSize) if region: # in case a region is used, append the tilesize region += ":{}".format(binLength) # mapReduce( (staticArgs), func, chromSize, etc. ) if out_file_for_raw_data: save_file = True else: save_file = False imap_res = mapReduce.mapReduce((bigWigFiles, stepSize, binLength, save_file), countReadsInRegions_wrapper, chrom_sizes, genomeChunkLength=chunkSize, bedFile=bedFile, blackListFileName=blackListFileName, region=region, numberOfProcessors=numberOfProcessors) if out_file_for_raw_data: if len(non_common): sys.stderr.write("*Warning*\nThe resulting bed file does not contain information for " "the chromosomes that were not common between the bigwig files\n") # concatenate intermediary bedgraph files for _values, tempFileName in imap_res: if tempFileName: # concatenate all intermediate tempfiles into one shutil.copyfileobj(open(tempFileName, 'r'), out_file_for_raw_data) os.remove(tempFileName) out_file_for_raw_data.close() # the matrix scores are in the first element of each of the entries in imap_res score_per_bin = np.concatenate([x[0] for x in imap_res], axis=0) return score_per_bin
[docs]class Tester(object): def __init__(self): """ The the two bigWig files are as follows: $ cat /tmp/ 3R 0 100 1 3R 100 200 2 $ cat /tmp/ 3R 0 150 1 3R 150 200 3 They cover 200 bp: 0 50 100 150 200 |------------------------------------------------------------| A 111111111111111111111111111111122222222222222222222222222222 B 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111333333333333333 """ self.root = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + "/test/test_data/" self.bwFile1 = self.root + "" self.bwFile2 = self.root + "" self.bwFile_PE = self.root + "" self.chrom = '3R'
# global debug # debug = 0