Source code for deeptools.bamHandler

import sys
import pysam

[docs]def openBam(bamFile): try: bam = pysam.Samfile(bamFile, 'rb') except IOError: sys.exit("The file {} does not exist".format(bamFile)) except: sys.exit("The file {} does not have BAM format ".format(bamFile)) try: if 'check_index' in dir(bam): assert(bam.check_index()) else: # The proper check_index() function wasn't implemented until pysam 0.8.4! assert(bam._hasIndex()) except: sys.exit("{} does not appear to have an index. You MUST index the file first!".format(bamFile)) if bam.mapped == 0: sys.exit("Samtools reports that the number of mapped " "reads is zero for the file {}. Please check " "that the file is properly indexed and that " "it contains mapped reads.".format(bamFile)) return bam