Source code for deeptools.mapReduce

import multiprocessing
from deeptoolsintervals import GTF
import random

debug = 0

[docs]def mapReduce(staticArgs, func, chromSize, genomeChunkLength=None, region=None, bedFile=None, blackListFileName=None, numberOfProcessors=4, verbose=False, includeLabels=False, keepExons=False, transcriptID="transcriptID", exonID="exonID", transcript_id_designator="transcript_id", self_=None): """ Split the genome into parts that are sent to workers using a defined number of procesors. Results are collected and returned. For each genomic region the given 'func' is called using the following parameters: chrom, start, end, staticArgs The *arg* are static, *pickable* variables that need to be sent to workers. The genome chunk length corresponds to a fraction of the genome, in bp, that is send to each of the workers for processing. Depending on the type of process a larger or shorter regions may be preferred :param chromSize: A list of duples containing the chromosome name and its length :param region: The format is chr:start:end:tileSize (see function getUserRegion) :param staticArgs: tuple of arguments that are sent to the given 'func' :param func: function to call. The function is called using the following parameters (chrom, start, end, staticArgs) :param bedFile: Is a bed file is given, the args to the func to be called are extended to include a list of bed defined regions. :param blackListFileName: A list of regions to exclude from all computations. Note that this has genomeChunkLength resolution... :param self_: In case mapreduce should make a call to an object the self variable has to be passed. :param includeLabels: Pass group and transcript labels into the calling function. These are added to the static args (groupLabel and transcriptName). If "includeLabels" is true, a tuple of (results, labels) is returned """ if not genomeChunkLength: genomeChunkLength = 1e5 genomeChunkLength = int(genomeChunkLength) if verbose: print("genome partition size for multiprocessing: {0}".format( genomeChunkLength)) region_start = 0 region_end = None # if a region is set, that means that the task should be only cover # the given genomic position if region: chromSize, region_start, region_end, genomeChunkLength = getUserRegion(chromSize, region) if verbose: print("chrom size: {0}, region start: {1}, region end: {2}, " "genome chunk length sent to each procesor: {3}".format(chromSize, region_start, region_end, genomeChunkLength)) if bedFile: defaultGroup = None if len(bedFile) == 1: defaultGroup = "genes" bed_interval_tree = GTF(bedFile, defaultGroup=defaultGroup, transcriptID=transcriptID, exonID=exonID, transcript_id_designator=transcript_id_designator, keepExons=keepExons) if blackListFileName: blackList = GTF(blackListFileName) TASKS = [] # iterate over all chromosomes for chrom, size in chromSize: # the start is zero unless a specific region is defined start = 0 if region_start == 0 else region_start for startPos in range(start, size, genomeChunkLength): endPos = min(size, startPos + genomeChunkLength) # Reject a chunk if it overlaps if blackListFileName: regions = blSubtract(blackList, chrom, [startPos, endPos]) else: regions = [[startPos, endPos]] for reg in regions: if self_ is not None: argsList = [self_] else: argsList = [] argsList.extend([chrom, reg[0], reg[1]]) # add to argument list the static list received the the function argsList.extend(staticArgs) # if a bed file is given, append to the TASK list, # a list of bed regions that overlap with the # current genomeChunk. if bedFile: # This effectively creates batches of intervals, which is # generally more performant due to the added overhead of # initializing additional workers. # TODO, there's no point in including the chromosome if includeLabels: bed_regions_list = [[chrom, x[4], x[2], x[3], x[5], x[6]] for x in bed_interval_tree.findOverlaps(chrom, reg[0], reg[1], trimOverlap=True, numericGroups=True, includeStrand=True)] else: bed_regions_list = [[chrom, x[4], x[5], x[6]] for x in bed_interval_tree.findOverlaps(chrom, reg[0], reg[1], trimOverlap=True, includeStrand=True)] if len(bed_regions_list) == 0: continue # add to argument list, the position of the bed regions to use argsList.append(bed_regions_list) TASKS.append(tuple(argsList)) if len(TASKS) > 1 and numberOfProcessors > 1: if verbose: print(("using {} processors for {} " "number of tasks".format(numberOfProcessors, len(TASKS)))) random.shuffle(TASKS) pool = multiprocessing.Pool(numberOfProcessors) res = pool.map_async(func, TASKS).get(9999999) else: res = list(map(func, TASKS)) if includeLabels: if bedFile: return res, bed_interval_tree.labels else: return res, None return res
[docs]def getUserRegion(chrom_sizes, region_string, max_chunk_size=1e6): r""" Verifies if a given region argument, given by the user is valid. The format of the region_string is chrom:start:end:tileSize where start, end and tileSize are optional. :param chrom_sizes: dictionary of chromosome/scaffold size. Key=chromosome name :param region_string: a string of the form chr:start:end :param max_chunk_size: upper limit for the chunk size :return: tuple chrom_size for the region start, region end, chunk size #>>> data = getUserRegion({'chr2': 1000}, "chr1:10:10") #Traceback (most recent call last): # ... #NameError: Unknown chromosome: chr1 #Known chromosomes are: ['chr2'] If the region end is biger than the chromosome size, this value is used instead >>> getUserRegion({'chr2': 1000}, "chr2:10:1001") ([('chr2', 1000)], 10, 1000, 990) Test chunk and regions size reduction to match tile size >>> getUserRegion({'chr2': 200000}, "chr2:10:123344:3") ([('chr2', 123344)], 9, 123345, 123336) Test chromosome name mismatch >>> getUserRegion({'2': 200000}, "chr2:10:123344:3") ([('2', 123344)], 9, 123345, 123336) >>> getUserRegion({'chrM': 200000}, "MT:10:123344:3") ([('chrM', 123344)], 9, 123345, 123336) """ region = region_string.split(":") chrom = region[0] chrom_sizes = dict(chrom_sizes) if chrom not in list(chrom_sizes.keys()): if chrom == "MT": chromUse = "chrM" elif chrom == "chrM": chromUse = "MT" elif chrom[0:3] == "chr": chromUse = chrom[3:] else: chromUse = "chr" + chrom if chromUse not in list(chrom_sizes.keys()): raise NameError("Unknown chromosome: %s\nKnown " "chromosomes are: %s " % (chrom, list(chrom_sizes.keys()))) chrom = chromUse try: region_start = int(region[1]) except IndexError: region_start = 0 try: region_end = int(region[2]) if int(region[2]) <= chrom_sizes[chrom] \ else chrom_sizes[chrom] except IndexError: region_end = chrom_sizes[chrom] if region_start > region_end or region_start < 0: raise NameError("{} not valid. The format is chrom:start:end. " "Without comas, dashes or dots. ".format(region_string)) try: tilesize = int(region[3]) except IndexError: tilesize = None chrom_sizes = [(chrom, region_end)] # if tilesize is given, make region_start and region_end # multiple of tileSize if tilesize: region_start -= region_start % tilesize region_end += tilesize - (region_end % tilesize) chunk_size = int(region_end - region_start) if chunk_size > max_chunk_size: chunk_size = max_chunk_size if tilesize and tilesize < chunk_size: chunk_size -= chunk_size % tilesize return chrom_sizes, region_start, region_end, int(chunk_size)
[docs]def blSubtract(t, chrom, chunk): """ If a genomic region overlaps with a blacklisted region, then subtract that region out returns a list of lists """ if t is None: return [chunk] overlaps = t.findOverlaps(chrom, chunk[0], chunk[1]) if overlaps is not None and len(overlaps) > 0: output = [] for o in overlaps: if chunk[1] <= chunk[0]: break if chunk[0] < o[0]: output.append([chunk[0], o[0]]) chunk[0] = o[1] if chunk[0] < chunk[1]: output.append([chunk[0], chunk[1]]) else: output = [chunk] return output